Being on the other side of the country... sometimes the world, there are a lot of things to share and catch up on.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thanksgiving weekend...
So you may be wondering, how did we spend that 4 day weekend? Well Kristi had to work Friday and Saturday so I was forced to shop on "Black Friday" for her but the rest of the week end consisted of this...
Yeah it was kind of like that but no snow... (and I didn't sing joy to the world). I did short out some lights and an outlet on the front of the house. All the lights seem to be working now and the house looks pretty good. We have people driving down our street every night checking out our display. Kristi and Sean got some pictures.
I found some dead bulbs on one of the snowflakes. The $4 bulb tester I bought is so fun.
Gabriella got bored helping on the garage roof. She was up and down that ladder so much.
Sean helped out with straightening the icicle lights.
All in all I spent 2 days on the roof trying for "Perfection" but ending up with "Good enough for government work" (just joking).
This is how it turned out... Not to shabby.
Along with the lights we had to get the trees up, yup plural. Now, why do we have two trees in the house? You can call Kristi and ask her because I'm not brave enough to put the reason in print...
Here is mine and the kid's tree. These are all the ornaments we've collected over the years. The ones Gram gave Kristi and I when we got married for our first Christmas tree, and the ones given to the kids each year.
Here is Kristi's tree, I call it the "Martha Stewart tree". I like the way she did it. It took her alot of time to get it just the way she wanted it, and it looks good in the living room.
So I guess it's almost time to start putting things under them... Two trees should mean twice as many presents for me!
Next Saturday is Gabriella's birthday so on Sunday I get to host a party for 10 little girls while Kristi is at work... stay tuned to the blog for pictures of that one!!!
House looks great! And so do both of your trees!!! Ski and I have been listening to KSON online so that we can hear the song "It's Christmas Once Again in San Diego!" The holidays just aren't the same without it. Funny though, I have a picture of Ski on the roof this weekend too!
Chuck, your the man dude! It looks fricken know though it just isn't quite the same without snow. I hope you had great thanksgiving. I'll talk to ya'll later. take care.
House looks great! And so do both of your trees!!! Ski and I have been listening to KSON online so that we can hear the song "It's Christmas Once Again in San Diego!" The holidays just aren't the same without it. Funny though, I have a picture of Ski on the roof this weekend too!
Chuck, your the man dude! It looks fricken know though it just isn't quite the same without snow. I hope you had great thanksgiving. I'll talk to ya'll later. take care.
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